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Audio preamplifier

In this post I try to help you how make an audio preamplifier.

What is preamplifier.........??

Preamplifier is an circuit, that can produce  a small amount of audio signal.

Example of preamplifier..........

1. Microphone

2. mobile [when you use your mobile as a audio player.]

3. Laptop  [when you use your laptop as a audio player.]

What things is required for make it..........??

1. Mic circuit (for microphone)

2. Bluetooth audio module. (for play songs)

3. Plastic box (for build it)

4. Connector wires.

5. 2 pcs 100k potentiometer.

6. 2 pcs mic socket.

7. 2 pcs 3mm led with 680 ohm resistor.

8. 2 pcs spst switch.

How to make preamplifier............??

Click this link and watch this video. I hope that you are successfully understand after watch this video.

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