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How to increase bass on 2n3055 transistor amplifier board.

How to increase bass on 2n3055 transistor amplifier board.

*This things are required to make it............

1.👉 bass treble equaliser board............

Watch This Video For Better Understanding

*Follow my steps for make it.

*First you want this type of bass treble circuit board. this type board you can purchase from you near local market any electronics shop or follow the link for purchase this board.

*This board,s circuit make by BC548B transistor.

*This board is stereo board.

*Watch the picture, board output diagram that you can see.

*Board upper side pin for audio output, input, dc 12 volt, gnd.

*Board lower side pin for bass, treble.

*Watch the picture, audio input pin.

*Left side pin is audio input left, right side pin is audio input right, and middle side pin is gnd.

*Then connect to audio input, bluetooth module/any audio source output wire. Connect audio left to board,s left channel, audio right to board,s right channel, and audio gnd connect to board's gnd.

*Then connect output wire from the bass, treble board. Watch the picture, I use blue wire for  audio L, green wire for audio R, and black wire for GND.

*Then connect bass, treble board output wire with 2n3055 transistor amplifier board input pin. Connect bass, treble board left channel wire to 2n3055 transistor amplifier board left channel pin,  bass, treble board right channel wire to 2n3055 transistor amplifier board right channel pin, and bass, treble board gnd wire to 2n3055 transistor amplifier board gnd  pin.

*Watch the picture, dc 12 volt and gnd.

*Connect here dc 12 volt and gnd wire for the bass, treble board power.

*Now your circuit is ready. play songs on this circuit.

Thank you,

Technical Mriganka...........

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