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Automatic on-off emergency light circuit.

Automatic on-off emergency light circuit.

This things are required to make this circuit......

1.👉 12 volt SPDT relay...........

2.👉 IN4007 diode..........

3.👉 3mm Led..........

4.👉 1k resistor..........

5.👉 12 volt battery...........

6.👉 12 volt led strip........

7.👉 0-12 volt transformer..........
      *👉12 volt adapter...........

How To Make It.............??

Watch this video for better understanding

*First you need a 12 volt SPDT relay for make this circuit.

*Watch the picture you can see pinout details of the SPDT relay. Now follow my steps for make this circuit.

*First short any coil pin and common pin of relay. Then connect 12 volt supply wire on coil pin. 

*Then connect a IN4007 diode [+] on relay's coil pin (where connected + wire of  power supply). Then You need 12 volt led. Connect led's [+] wire with diode's [-] pin, and connect led's [-] wire on relay's NC pin. Then connect 12 volt battery's [+] wire with IN4007 diode's [-], and connect 12 volt battery's [-] wire,  where 12 volt power supply's [-] is connected. Then connect a 1k resistor with  3.5mm led. And then connect this 3.5mm led with power supply line. Now your circuit is ready. Connect 12 volt power supply, 12 volt battery and 12 volt led with this circuit.

Thank you,

Technical Mriganka..........

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