How To Make A Rechargeable Led Light With 2 Pcs 4 Volt Battery.
This things are required to make it............
1.👉 4 volt led strip............
2.👉 one pcs SPDT switch.............
3.👉 2 pcs dc socket for charging.............
4.👉 2 pcs IN4007 diode............
5.👉 2 pcs led for charging indicator.............
6.👉 2 pcs 100 ohm resistor............
7.👉 one pcs 10k potentiometer................
8.👉 2 pcs 4 volt battery..............
Watch This Video For Better Understanding
circuit diagram
watch this circuit diagram and follow my steps for make it.
*First you want this type of plastic case for assemble this led light.
*Then cut the Led strip in 3 pcs.
* Then apply dendrite back of led the strip and attached with plastic case.
*Then connect wire on led strip. I use green wire for [+] and yellow wire [-].
*Then you want a SPDT switch which. for using 2 pcs 4 volt battery power cut.
*Then you want 10 ohm voltage regulator or 10 ohm potentiometer. Connect that 10 ohm potentiometer output to the led strip. And potentiometer input connect to SPDT switch middle pin.
*Then you want 2 pcs DC socket for charging.
*Then you want a SPDT switch which. for using 2 pcs 4 volt battery power cut.
*Then you want 10 ohm voltage regulator or 10 ohm potentiometer. Connect that 10 ohm potentiometer output to the led strip. And potentiometer input connect to SPDT switch middle pin.
*Then you want 2 pcs DC socket for charging.
*Then connect IN4007 diode to [+] point of DC socket. [connect after watch this picture]
*Then you want a 3mm LED and 100 ohm resistor. Connect the LED with 100 ohm resistor.
*Then you want 2 pcs 4 volt battery. Connect led strip [-] point to 2 pcs 4 volt batteries [-] point and [+] point connect to SPDT switch side 2 pin.
* Then connect 2 pcs DC socket [-] with 2 pcs batteries [-]. and batteries [+] connect to IN4007 diode.
*Then connect 3mm LED to dc socket. [led's (+) connect dc socket (+) and led's (-) connect to dc socket (-)].
Kya 4v ki lead-acid batterz hoga?