How to make 2×CD6283 ic audio amplifier
This things are required to wiring this amplifier............
1.👉 6283 ic board...........
2.👉 bass treble board...........
3.👉 Bluetooth module...........
4.👉 3 pcs 100k dual gang potentiometer..........
5.👉 1 pcs 47k single turn potentiometer.............
6.👉 1 pcs 7805 voltage regulator ic............
7.👉1 pcs 0-12 volt 1 ampere transformer..........
8.👉 2 pcs spst switch.........
9.👉 1 pcs audio input rc socket.
10.👉 1 pcs dc socket.............
11.👉 1 pcs 3mm led with 680E resistor...........
12.👉 1 pcs speaker connector socket..........
13.👉 1 pcs plastic case [7×4].
How To Make It.............??
watch this video for better understanding
wiring diagram
*Watch this wiring diagram and follow my steps for make this amplifier.
*First you need 2 pcs CD6283 ic audio board and 1 pcs bass treble board.
*Power connection - Watch the wiring diagram, we use here dc 12 volt supply for input power. Connect The 12 volt wire with 6283 ic's 12 no pin or where power capacitor [+] connected. and connect gnd wire, where power capacitor [-] connected. And then connect the power wire bass treble board. connect the 12 volt wire on bass treble board's power capacitor [+] pin and gnd wire connect with power capacitor [-] pin.
*Audio connection - Bass, treble point you can find on the bass, treble board. watch the wiring diagram, you can see the bass treble point. Then you want 2 pcs 100k potentiometer. Connect the potentiometer with bass, treble board parallel (watch the wiring diagram). Then you want 100k/47k dual gang potentiometer for volume.
watch the picture, you can see potentiometer pinout (when use it for volume). Left side 2 pin for gnd, middle side 2 pin for output, and right side 2 pin for input. Watch the wiring diageam, connect bass, treble board's output wire with 100k/47k dual gang potentiometer's input pin, then connect wire on potentiometer's output pin, and connect this output wire on CD6283 ic's input pin. And then connect the gnd wire with potentiometer's gnd pin, and connect this gnd wire with CD6283 ic's gnd pin.
Then you want 100k/47k single turn potentiometer for balance. watch the picture, you can see potentiometer pinout (when use it for balance). Left side pin for audio middle side pin for gnd, and right side pin for audio. Connect this potentiometer's audio 2 pin with volume potentiometer's audio input pin.
*Transformer connection - Watch the picture, you can see transformer input point, dc 12 volt and gnd point.
Thank you,
Technical Mriganka...........