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STK4141 ic audio amplifier

How to make STK4141 ic audio amplifier

This things are required to make this amplifier............

*👉 STK4141 ic..........

*👉 STK4141 ic board..........   
                                          For circuit

1.👉 3 pcs 47k resistor 1/4 watt..........

2.👉 2 pcs 560E resistor 1/4 watt.........

3.👉 2.2k resistor.

           *👉 2 pcs 1/2 Watt.
           *👉 2 pcs 1/4 Watt...........

4.👉 2 pcs 100E resistor 1/4 watt..........

5.👉 2 pcs 1k resistor 1/2 watt.........

6.👉 2 pcs 4.7k resistor 1/4 watt..........

        *👉 All capacitor 25 volt or high

7.👉 3 pcs 100uf capacitor..........

8.👉 2 pcs 47uf capacitor............

9.👉 2 pcs 10uf capacitor............

10.👉 2 pcs 104j capacitor............

11.👉 1 pcs 22uf capacitor............

12.👉 1 pcs 47k dual gang potentiometer............

                                        Other components 

1.👉 Bluetooth module...........

2.👉 1 pcs 7805 voltage regulator ic............

3.👉 1 pcs speaker connector socket..........

4.👉 18-0-18 volt 4 ampere transformer.

5.👉 1 pcs dc 12 volt fan.........

How To Make It.............??

Circuit Diagram

*Watch the circuit diagram and follow my steps for make this circuit.

*First you need stk4141 ic. This ic 50 watt stereo ic. So we can get 25 watt per channel output.

*1 no pin.........Connect 47k resistor on ic's  1 no pin.

*2 no pin.........First short ic's 2 no pin with ic's 10 no pin by 47k resistor. Then connect 100uf capacitor's [-] pin on ic's 2 no pin. And then connect 560E resistor with 100uf capacitor's [+] pin.

*3 no pin.........Connect gnd.

*4 no pin.........First connect  2.2k ,1/4 watt resistor with second 2.2k ,1/2  watt resistor in series. And then short ic's 4 no pin with 15 no pin by this 4.4k resistor.

*5 no pin.........First connect  2.2k ,1/4 watt resistor with second 2.2k ,1/2  watt resistor in series. Then short ic's 5 no pin with 4 no pin by this 4.4k resistor. And then connect 47uf capacitor's [+] pin with ic's 10 no pin and connect capacitor's [-] pin with middle point of 2 pcs 2.2k resistor (5 no pin). 

*6 no pin.........For muting.

*7 no pin.........Short with ic's 4 no pin, by 100E resistor.

*8 no pin.........First connect  1k,1/2 watt resistor with second 1k ,1/2  watt resistor in series. And then short ic's 8 no pin with 9 no pin by this 2k resistor. And then connect 10uf  capacitor's [-] pin with ic's 8 no pin and connect capacitor's [+] pin with gnd.

*9 no pin..........Short with ic's 14 no pin by wire.

*10 no pin.........First connect 104j capacitor with 4.7k resistor in series. And then connect the 104j capacitor with ic's 10 no pin and 4.7k resistor connect with gnd.

*11 no pin.........[This pin is (+) voltage pin]. First short 11 no pin with 12 no pin by 100E resistor. And then connect 10uf capacitor's [+] pin with 11 no pin, and capacitor's [-] pin connect with gnd.

*12 no pin.........Connect 100uf capacitor's [+] pin with  ic's 12 no pin, and capacitor's [-] pin connect with gnd.

*13 no pin.........First connect 104j capacitor with 4.7k resistor in series. Then connect the 104j capacitor with ic's 13 no pin and 4.7k resistor connect with gnd. Then short 13 no pin with 17 no pin by 47k resistor. And then connect 47uf capacitor's [+] pin 13 no pin and connect capacitor's [-] pin with  middle point of 2 pcs 2.2k resistor (15 no pin). 

*14 no pin.........[This pin is (-) voltage pin] Connect 22uf capacitor's [-] pin with 14 no pin and connect capacitor's [+] pin with gnd. 

*15 no pin.........

*16 no pin.........Connect gnd.

*17 no pin.........Connect 100uf capacitor's [-] with 17 no pin, and capacitor's [+] connect with 560E resistor. And 560E resistor's second side pin connect with gnd.

*18 no pin.........Connect 47k resistor.

*1, 18 no pin is audio input.

*10, 13 no pin is spk out.

*11, 12 no pin is positive (+) voltage pin.

*9, 14 no pin is negative (-) voltage pin.

*I use 18-0-18 volt 4 ampere transformer for this circuit. You can use here 20-0-20 volt transformer.

Thank you,

Technical Mriganka...........

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