12 volt battery level indicator.
This things are required to make this circuit.......1. Vero board.........https://amzn.to/2WZhthq
2. 5 pcs 5mm LED........https://amzn.to/2WO23gf
3. 5 pcs 1k resistor(1/4).........https://amzn.to/2WvbME0
How To Make It.............??
Watch this video for better understanding
circuit diagram
In this post we are make a 12 volt battery level indicator. For make this indicator you need 5 pcs 5mm LED, 5pcs 1k resistor and vero board. First mount 5 Led on vero board and connect all Led in series (watch the circuit diagram). Then connect 1k resistor middle point of 2 Led. Now your circuit is ready, connect 12 volt battery/power supply and check this circuit.
Thank you,
Technical Mriganka.