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Mic Circuit PCB

Mic Circuit PCB

This components are required to make this amplifier.

Spare parts

1. 1×BC547/BC548 Transistor.

2. 1×100uf capacitor.

3. 2×10k resistor.

4. 1×100k resistor.

5. 2×100nF capacitor.

Watch this video for better understanding

circuit diagram

License► ©Technical Mriganka. You can't use this pcb layout for commercial purpose. You can use this pcb layout only for educational and diy projects.

In this post I make a circuit for microphone using BC547B (NPN) transistor. For power supply you can use 9-12 volt DC . Now follow my steps for this amplifier. First we make pcb. For make pcb you need pcb layout. download the pcb layout and print it by laser printer on photo paper. Then cut the pcb layout. Then press the pcb layout by iron on copper clad board. Press the iron 10-15 munites. Then leave the pcb for cool down 10 munites. when the pcb was cool, put the pcb in water and move the pcb layout to copper clad board. Then put the pcb in ferric chloride [FeCl3+H2O] for etching 10-15 munites. when etching was end, clean the pcb by water. Then make hole on pcb. And then press the upper side print of pcb. Now your pcb is ready mount components by instruction.

Thank you,

Technical Mriganka.........

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  1. The PCB allows repeatedly, machine automated assembly and test, which lowers cost and ensures product quality. It is less advantageous for lower qualities or where NRE costs are a larger concern.
    Joseph ||
